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Let's learn PYTHON::

 Hey Guys, I welcome you all in my little world of creative and positive thinkings.

Today , I will discuss about one of the most popular computer language of now-a-days . 
If you are guessing python , then you are right.
We will discuss about it's installation in both your PCs
and Android Phones.
And then how to start coding , from where to learn, etc.

So, let's BEGIN. 
Python is one of the most common computer languages now-a-days.
It is widely used by programmers ,app developers , big companies like Google also , and is a good platform for beginners  from where you can easily enter in this endless world of (0 and 1).

*** It is developed by 
        Sir Guido van Rossum.

###Installation of      

To install python in your system click this link 👇👇 👇👇

And to download it's IDE use this link

To download it in your Android Phone , download an app using the link below::


These apps are best for learning python programming in your Android Phone.

For learning python programming ,
I  prefer you to learn by this very good teacher on YouTube .
You can go there using this link ::

You can also use a app DATA CAMP.
IT  has a good user friendly interface ,but it is premium .
You can enroll their using a small amount of less than 4000 Rs. for a year.

May this will be helpful for you.



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