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What is 5G? | What are the features of 5G?| Everything you should know about it is in this article.

Hello Guys, most welcome!

You might have listened about the 5G technology and will be curious for having its first experience. I can't reduce your excitement for it but make you more curious about it by giving you some basic knowledge about the 5G technology for broadband cellular networks and I will also tell you how it will be an asset to your comforts and how it will make your life much more convenient and faster? So let's begin..

In this Article, we will discuss about:

  • What is 5G technology?

  • Who invented 5G?

  • What is the difference between 4G and 5G?

  • What are the advantages of the 5G network?

  • Which countries have 5G technology?

  • When will 5G come to India?

  • 5G technology in India

What is 5G technology in broadband networks?

5G means fifth generation. Here G means "Generation". In technical areas or fields, this terminology(Generation) is used when there is a huge change in a technology when it comes across large upgradations. We can simply consider "Generations" as newer versions of something. We have been using this terminology traditionally in many fields like in computer science, we generally say that we are using 4th generation computers, it can also be used in cellular networks, and computer processors.

Now, in terms of broadband cellular networks 5G will be the next future wireless global  network. It is much more advanced, faster and has higher bandwidth than its previous versions or generations, i.e.,1G,  2G, 3G , 4G and 4G LTE(in use). It is designed for connecting everything together virtually including smart machines and objects. It will also provide you with a very fast internet connection with very high download and upload speed. You may be able to download a high quality HD movie of greater resolutions in  few minutes. We will discuss about its many awesome features.

Who invented 5G network?

The 5G technology is not developed by an individual or a company. It is the result of many companies of this sector who are contributing for bringing 5G into existence.

Qualcomm is one of those companies that is giving his best for this new life changing technology.

Features of 5G:

High Speed:

The 5G network will provide you very fast internet connectivity. It will be about 100 times faster than 4G. The maximum speed or the peak of 5G data transfer speed will be upto 20 Gigabytes per Second (Gbps) and its average speed that we public will get will be more than 100 Mbps, which is not a small number. 

This means that you will be able to download an HD movie of 3GB size in less than a minute if you have a good 5G connection. 

Higher Capacity:

This network will have very high capacity which can connect a large number of devices in an area about 100 times more than that of 4G.

Sometimes you have seen that, when you move to a densely populated area where many people are using the same network that you are using, then you may face many network issues and buffering problems. This is because the 4G network has not very high capacity to handle large connections and in such types of areas one has to face various network issues. 

Also, you have faced server down problems in some websites when massive people are trying to reach its server at the same time. For example, during the announcement of board results, registration of many people at the same time in a web portal, etc.

But, in 5G you will not get such type of issues and you will not have to change your network when you will be out of station.

Reduced Latency:

Latency means delay in sending and receiving data in a network. It can be defined as the amount of time taken for  the data packets transmitted from the server to be received at the destination point after many processes. In their path, these data packets have to follow many rules which are the network protocols,due to which it takes much time to load data from a website in a 4G network.

But with the new technology, the network delay in the 4G network, which is about 200ms, will be reduced to 1ms in the 5G network. 

1ms = 1/1000th part of a second which is faster than humans responding time!

Except this there are many other features or advantages of 5G network, like:

  • High Coverage and availability

  • Low energy usage

  • Enhanced Bandwidth

  • You can see high quality videos in 4K online without any buffering issue. 

  • High data package

Which countries have 5G technology?

China, United States and South Korea are those that are prominent countries which led the 5G network to come in use. And it will soon come in India.

When 5G will come in India?

It is most probable that till 2022, India will have its 5G network. Many companies like Airtel and Jio are still trying to bring this technology in India.  

However, many 5G phones have been released in the Indian Government. 

Many prospectors are saying that India will launch its 5G network on 15th August on the eve of 75th Independence Anniversary. Indians will have this soon.. 

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