Hey Guys, till now we have discussed about python's basic information.
We will discuss about Python's shell and it's command prompt and about some of its important terms.
In our system,in python's IDE,we found both command prompt and python's shell.
Command prompt:
Python's command prompt is used for writing commands such as for installing modules (don't worry, we will discuss about it), running any programme written by word or notepad application, upgrading PIP versions, etc.
*It is mainly used to run any written programme in our system with the extension (.py).
Python's interactive mode is very awesome and you can use it as a calculator , and here we can type some awesome keywords like "help" (for getting help about Python's keywords or functions).
Actually "help" is a function which shows information about Python's modules, functions,classes, keywords, etc.
Other than this , you will also find some other functions like "credits","copyright" and "license".
Using Python as a calculator:
We can use python as a calculator . Yeah, in python interactive mode you can write any arithmetical statement , for example like
45/6, etc.
Python's Interpreter. >>>2+3 5 >>>2*3 6 >>>56/14 4.0
## Python follows BODMAS.
>>>2+3*25/5 17
Besides this, there are also other types of functions.
In the above picture, you saw that after dividing two integers we get a float value(numbers with decimals), why not integer?
Your doubts get cleared by this table.
>>>8/2 4.0
>>>8//2 4
>>>17%4 (15÷4)gives 1 1 as remainder
>>>2**10 1024
I think, now you have understood about this.
And for now, it is enough for this , in our next blogs we will discuss about different terms and keywords of
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nice job bro..