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Python #1

Python is an easy to learn, powerful programming language.Python is an interpreted, high-level and general-purpose programming language. It has efficient high-level data structures and 
a simple but effective approach to object-oriented programming. Python’s convenient syntax and dynamic
typing, together with its interpreted nature, make it an ideal language for scripting and rapid application
development in many areas on most platforms. 
Its language constructs and object-oriented approach aim to help programmers write clear, logical code for small and large-scale projects.
Python was designed by
 Sir Guido van Rossum in the late 1980s in 
Netherlands .
And first released in 1991 .
After that Python's other versions like Python 2.0 , Python 2.7 and Python 3.0 also released.
Python is one of the most popular computer languages like Java , C and C++.

The python language is one of the most accessible programming languages available because it has simplified syntax and not complicated, which gives more emphasis on natural language. Due to its ease of learning and usage, python codes can be easily written and executed much faster than other programming languages and is incredibly easy to use and learn for new beginners and newcomers.
Now , Python is the fastest growing app and it is estimated that it will be the most popular computer language after the year 2020.
Working on Python
 To work on Python, firstly we have to download it. And we can download it
using a browser.
But after downloading it, we will get a compiler where only only REPL works works.
REPL stands for Read, Evaluate, Print, Loop. The REPL is how you interact with the Python Interpreter. Unlike running a file containing Python code, in the REPL you can type commands and instantly see the output printed out.
So , to run big files we can use notepads or MS Word.
But instead of Notepads or other apps, we often use IDEs(INTEGRATED DEVELOPMENT ENVIRONMEN) where we can see many important tools and from there we can download many libraries and modules easily.
Some of the most popular IDEs of Python are:
Pycharm, MS Visual Studio, Pydev ,Eclipse, Spyder, IDLE, etc. 

Hey Guys, till now we have discussed about python's basic information. 

 We will discuss about Python's shell and it's command prompt and about some of its important terms.

In our system,in python's IDE,we found both command prompt and python's shell.

Command prompt: 

Python's command prompt is used for writing commands such as for installing modules (don't worry, we will discuss about it), running any programme written by word or notepad application, upgrading PIP versions, etc.

*It is mainly used to run any written programme in our system with the extension (.py).

To do this, write a programme in a notepad or word app and save it with a file extension (.py), then open the command prompt of Python and write the path of your file in the command prompt and then press enter. 
You can search about path of a file in internet also.

Python's shell :
Python's shell provides the interpreter of Python where we can run commonly single-line commands and here REPL works. (If you don't know about REPL then check my last blog on python.) 
*You can also activate Python's interpreter interactive  mode by just typing "Python" and then press "enter key". 

Python's interactive mode is very awesome and you can use it as a calculator , and here we can type some awesome keywords like "help" (for getting help about Python's keywords or functions).

Actually "help" is a function which shows information about Python's modules, functions,classes, keywords, etc. 

Other than this , you will also find some other functions like "credits","copyright" and "license".

Using Python as a calculator:

We can use python as a calculator . Yeah, in python interactive mode you can write any arithmetical statement , for example like 



45/6, etc.

 Python's Interpreter.                          >>>2+3                  5                       >>>2*3                  6                       >>>56/14            4.0                    

## Python follows BODMAS.

>>>2+3*25/5            17     

Besides this, there are also other types of functions.

In the above picture, you saw that after dividing two integers we get a float value(numbers with decimals), why not integer?

Your doubts get cleared by this table.

>>>8/2                  4.0                    

>>>8//2                4                      

>>>17%4 (15÷4)gives 1   1       as remainder   

>>>2**10                1024                   

 I think, now you have understood about this.

And for now, it is enough for this , in our next blogs we will discuss about different terms and keywords of 


## Comment your queries and complaints(if have) and also you will find my other blogs by clicking on the ( view web version) button  in the very bottom of this page.

Thank you.

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