Will this monsoon be profitable for India's economy or not?
On April 17, 2021 the IMD or Indian Meteorological Department stated that the southwest monsoon starting in June is supposed to remain normal at 98% of the Long Period Average.
With the coming of June, we saw signs of Monsoon also and now in many states monsoon has arrived. Rainfalls are seen in many eastern and North-eastern states like Bihar, UP, Jharkhand, Odisha, Chattisgarh, Assam, etc. Now the main question arises that will this monsoon be profitable for India's economy or not, will it affect the Covid-19 pandemic ,i.e., the monsoon season may provide the CoronaVirus favourable conditions to grow, and also monsoon is not always good for some places where water logging and flooding can occur.
Will the monsoon remain good?
According to many reports, this monsoon will be profitable for India's economy. As this year, the monsoon has arrived at the perfect time and it is also predicted that this time the monsoon will remain normal at 98% to 103%.
Will the crop production be good this year?
We can expect that this year the crop production will be good due to the rainy monsoon. According to estimations, in this year about 307 million tonnes of crops will be produced.
How will the monsoon affect crop production in India?
We all know that India is an Agriculture Dominated country and about 70% of its rural population is dependent on agriculture and related activities like poultry farming, etc. In which the majority is dependent upon farming and the majority of the Indian farmers are dependent upon monsoon for irrigation in their fields. Even the fields where water came through other sources like tubewells, water pumps, etc need rain water. In this way, agriculture in India is mostly ko dependent upon the monsoon.
How India's economy is dependent upon Agriculture?
Agriculture plays a vital role in India's economy as it contributes about 18% of the total Gross Domestic Value (GDP). Also it provides employment to more than 60% of India's population. Now, India has become the second largest crop producer in the world.
It plays a very wide role in India's economy by providing grains to the public, providing employment, contributing to national income by export of grains and also a source of raw materials for industries. In this way Agriculture is very important for India's economy.
So, we can conclude that good crop production will lead in economic growth of India.
As in the last year, due to this pandemic situation and some reasons the crop production was not good and also the development rate of the country decreased. Now, this year it is expected that better crop production will help the country recover economic conditions and also help in recovering the loss due to the CoronaVirus and strengthen the hospitals and medical conditions.