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You are a superhero with awesome unique powers

Hello my # friends#,

You are most welcome in my little world of positive and creative thinkings.

Today, We will discuss about a very precious gift of our God to us which makes you more powerful than your hero , Ironman or Superman or any other.

First of all I want to say something to you about you by this medium of blogging . 

We are the creations of our God and our existence on this earth is due to him. 

Our God is the most justice  loving creator who has created us with equal capabilities, powers and give us same type of brains. 

If anyone is physically disabled then it has something special in him which can makes it successful but the main problem is that many of them do not try to find what is special in them.

We are under the same sky, stay on the same Earth , breathe same air , and drink same water. 

Even all of us are from a single specie ,i.e., homosapiens and the colour of our blood is also same . 

Then how a person can be very intelligent or very foolish .

According to me , neither anyone is intelligent nor foolish.

Everyone has equal powers . So we should never criticize a person on the basis of their brain power, or knowledge . 

We shouldn't forget that Sir Einstein and Stephen Hawking was very slow in studies during their childhood.

But , now they are immortal even after their death. 

We all are unique in the world because the God has never given same face to two persons . We can do anything that a normal person can and with a hard work , we will get success.

Now , I will introduce your amazing super powers with you. 

Everyone has a very special super power which is a gift of nature , especially for humans . 

This unestimable gift is our Brain. 

Which can help you to become more powerful , strong with amazing super powers like your hero and may be you will become greater than your heroes.

Actually heroes are the imaginations of the brains of film producers and movies are the way in which the producers express their imaginations using GRAPHICS.

Yes , our brains have very amazing powers which we can use according to our needs.

But the reality is that we can use  only 3 to 7% of our brain.

And by meditation we can enhance our brain powers .

Actually, meditation is the way to master concentration and then everything will be very easier , even you will be able to walk on water and fly on air if you have controlled your brain . Your body and mind do the same that you want from them.

Do you know what happens when your mind and body are in your control??

Before answering this questions I want to ask you what do you do when you are feeling hungry???

Actually , you are not feeling hungry as the work of feeling is done by mind.

So , when your mind and body are in your control , when you want to eat , at that time your brain feels hungry; not when your body needs.

This is the power of brain.

So , brain power is great , but this needs you to be activate your brain and understand your special abilities and uniqueness.



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