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CoronaVirus- How danger this is for your child?

The Corona Virus has become the reason for the deaths of about 3 million people worldwide. And the most irresponsible thing of people is that they are not taking it seriously even now.

Your child is in danger.... Read More

 Before going further see this data:

Total Cases Recovered Death Total Vaccination
137M 78.2M 2.96M 13.5M

Top countries:
Countries Recovered Death Total Vaccination
United States 31.4M ------- 563K
India 13.7M 12.3M 171K
Brazil 13.5M 11.9M 355K
France 5.07M ------- 100K
Russia 4.6M 4.22M 102K
United Kingdom 4 37M -------- 127K

Covid-19 is not just a negligible virus, it is now taking the shape of a disaster and can take the lives of many other innocent people. These words are not for frightening you, but for making you beware of and pulling your attention towards this nuisance virus.  Your safety is a must. Without wasting your time, I want to give you some necessary information and some tips for precaution against CoronaVirus and the most important thing, how to survive from CoronaVirus being in the mass by following some precautions?

What is CoronaVirus ?

The Corona Virus or Covid-19 is a viral infectious disease caused by a virus named as SARS-CoV-2. It's full name is Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome coronavirus 2. These viruses  are considered to have originated from the Wuhan city of China around November,2020  and many are directly incriminating China for this pandemic situation. Researchers found that it had first affected birds like bats in China and from their bodies it spread to humans. 

Symptoms of CoronaVirus disease?

  1. Mild to moderate fever
  2. Cough
  3. Sneezes
  4. Fever
  5. Anxiety
  6. Sore throat
  7. Lose of taste and smell
  8. Difficulty in breathing
  9. Headache
  10. Chest Pain

How does  CoronaVirus spread?

In almost all cases, the transmission of these viruses are from person-to-person. It can enter one's body through many ways like:

  • When a person is in close contact with an infected person, he is more likely to be infected by droplets or aerosols carrying viruses coming from the nose or mouth of the infected person when he talks, sneezes or coughs. 

  • Viruses can easily enter your body through surface transmission. For example, when a person touches a surface on which the Corona Virus was present due to any reason, he may catch the novel coronavirus. 

  • Researchers found that these viruses can  remain in air also and they can live up to three hours. So, anyone who will breathe this air will get infected.

Why is CoronaVirus so dangerous?

Many of you might thinking about why Corona Virus is so deadly?

There are many reasons behind this: 

First of all, we were not ready for this desease. I mean, our immune system (non-infected)  are not  prepared for the war against these foreign viruses as these viruses have never been seen before in humans. Another reason is that it can easily spread from person-to-person. And it's replication (reproduction) rate is also higher. Besides this, it first affects the victim's respiratory system thus affecting the process of breathing. Another important factor is that these viruses can easily undergo mutation ,i.e., change in the properties or genetic materials of the new variants or strains (viruses).

Who are at higher risks  due to this virus?

The people who are at higher risks are:

  • People above 60 or senior citizens.

  • People suffering from heart or lungs diseases or other respiratory problems.

  • People having diabetes

  • People having weak immune system

  • Smokers 

How  these virus are changing into disasters?

What is mutation?

Till the mid of 2020, the CoronaVirus was not so dangerous and deaths due to this disease was also very less. At that time, our immune system (healthy person) was powerful enough to easily overcome this disease and one could easily recover without getting special treatments. But, with the beginning of 2021, these viruses had changed themselves a lot and became more powerful by mutation.

When an organism replicates itself by cell division, the genetic materials like DNA or RNA get transferred from the parent cell to the offspring. But sometimes, during this process the genetic materials get altered due to some reason, which may produce detectable changes in the offspring. This is termed as Mutation. The new viruse are called variants or strains.

The same thing also occurs with the CoronaVirus Virus. Now, these viruses have become double-mutant viruses. And that's why they have new properties and are becoming more and more powerful day by day. 

Here a very important question arises,that is, will the pre-designed vaccines work for these viruses? 

The answer is yes. But it will not be as effective as in earlier cases. So, the only way to protect ourselves from them is to stay at home and maintain social distancing. They spread more easily than before  and the deaths are also increasing. 

These viruses are very harmful for youths and children. 

Read this to know more:

How is the new strain so harmful for children and youths?

Earlier, the number of youngsters in the list of infecteds was very few and the number of deaths was extremely less. But the new strains are found to be very harmful and deadly for children and youths of the age-group (1-30). These variants are proved to be very scary or frightening for them. Small kids or newly born babies are at very high risks. This is because small kids can't explain their problems or diseases from which they are suffering. They don't know how to prevent themselves from this virus. Also, if a small kid in a family becomes infected then he can act as a super spreader  as he can not tell others about his situation. So this is the most humble request of the government to the public that they should prevent their kids from getting exposed to the crowd as they are the future of the country.

Some tips to prevent ourselves from this virus:

  • Maintain social and physical distancing.

  • Wear a mask when you are outside of the home.

  • Try to not touch the surface of any object directly with your hand. Use gloves instead.

  • Don't touch your eyes, mouth and nose with your hands.

  • Regularly wash your hands with a sanitizer.

  • Try to drink heated water always.

  • Take foods rich in Vitamin-C or citrus fruits and other immunity boosting foods.

  • Do not eat non-vegetarian food items.

  • Stay in airy place and practice Asanas and Pranayamas.

  • If you are seeing the symptoms of CoronaVirus disease in your body, then please go to a doctor for check-up.l

  • If you can't reach the doctor, stay self-quarantined.

If you follow these precautions perfectly, l promise you that these viruses can't harm you.

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