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Meditation - the way to God


Meditation is an unwinding practice which instigates relaxation in body and brain. In meditation, concentration is focussed for an extensive stretch on a solitary object like breath, tip of nose etc.

Read this story to know what is meditation:

Parth was sitting in the shade of a banyan tree in the warm daylight on a winter morning and was feeling very drowsy. He closed his eyes and fell asleep. In his fantasy, he saw an excellent garden, brimming with blossoms. There were lots of butterflies, some honey bees, twittering birds, squirrels all around, and gigantic large trees. It seemed like paradise. He was extremely excited and cheerful. He ran and touched a huge yellow sunflower to check whether it was real, smelt the fragrance of another bloom, pursued a big butterfly, and got a ladybug in his grasp. He was fascinated by the magnificence of nature in the entirety of its glory and asked himself, why he had never appreciated it before. Yoga emphasizes being near nature, similar to the Parth's fantasy. 

Before moving further, answer this question: Have you ever think, what are dreams? 

They are nothing, but the creation of our brain. You can understand it in this way that the more beautiful your dreams are, more powerful your brain will be. 

And meditation is the same thing, it provides us a very wide vision that is limitless. In simple words, it enables us to approach those places, where our body can not go ,which is not physically possible. 

Rules for the Practice of Meditation:

  • Practice of asana and pranayama, whenever performed before meditation, will help in creating the capacity to sit in one posture for an impressive timeframe in meditation. 

  • We need to sit in a serene, quiet and calm spot for the practice of meditation.

  •  Close the eyes tenderly and attempt to search inside or focus on your breathing. 

  •  A meditative practice welcomes numerous thoughts, recollections and feelings which may surface on mind. We need to stay non-receptive to them. 

  • After a regular practice, we notice keenly the generation of thoughts and their reality. We see that larger part of musings are unreasonable so we attempt to control them 

  • Before all else, we need to notice the considerations with no response. 

  • The regular practice will help us in adjustment of meditation, we can change the thought pattern, and we can change the antagonism in inspiration or positivity by will.

  • Meditation needs progression and tolerance you need to build up a propensity first.  And foremost, it is very hard to notice the breath or some other point. On the off chance that the brain meanders, don't feel regretful. Gradually and firmly take your concentration back to your breathing.

You need to go to any wonderful park, nursery or characteristic spot at any rate once per week.

 MUDRA or Posture

Yogic kriyas or activities as asanas, pranayamas are extremely valuable for wellbeing. Likewise, mudra additionally plays a significant job in this field as much as these can be effectively drilled. 

There are two sorts of mudras The Hand mudras: 

  1. The Hand Mudras

  2. Bodily Mudras

The Bodily Mudras are the certain combination of asanas with pranayama.

The hand mudras are performed by the fingers of hands in a specific or particular manner. The joining of hands fingers In a specific way makes an impact on the human body.

 The significant mudras are:

  1.  Gyan Mudra 

  2.  Anjali Mudra 

  3.  Chin Mudra 

  4. Shan Mukhi Mudra

Gyan Mudra : 

Sit in padmasana. Place the hands on the knees and touch the little fingers and thumbs of both hands in such a way that the three fingers stay straight. The upper part of the finger and thumb are touched in an appropriate manner. This is a thoughtful stance. The eyes stay shut in a delicate way.


Gyan mudra produces a beneficial outcome on the body. It keeps the mind quiet and serene, builds up an inventive mental state. It helps in developing knowledge in a reasonable way.

Bandha and Mudra : 

Bandha and Mudra are the practices including manipulation of certain semi-voluntary and involuntary muscles in the body. These are also rehearsals related to pranayama. They are seen as the higher yogic practices that mainly adopt certain actual gestures alongside authority over breath. They further work with command over mind. 

Bandha : 

The Sanskrit word Bandha intends to 'hold' or bolt'. This importance definitely depicts the actual activity required as the bandha rehearses and their impact on the 

pranic body. Bandhas expect to bolt the prana (breathing) in specific areas of the body. Also, divert their stream with the end goal of wellbeing improvement and otherworldly arousing.

There are three bandhas

  1. Jalandhara Bandha : The jawline and neck is utilized to bolt the throat by contracting the muscles of that district.

  2. Uddiyana Bandha The stomach organs are pulled up inwards which makes the progression of energy upwards, consequently it is called Liidiyara bandha 

  3. Moola Bandha : It is the contraction of specific muscles in the pelvic area. It happens in the focal point of the body, and invigorates mool bandha chakra 

Guidance: The acts of bandhas and mudras ought to be learnt and performed under the oversight of a yoga master. 


Shatkarmas, also called Shatkriyas are the six purifying cycles. These are the sanitization rehearses which are applied to clean the body inside. The particular part of the body are cleaned by these practices The six purifying processes are :

Nute, Dhauti, Basti, Trataka, Nauli and Kapalbhati.

These are rehearsed to clean the organs by utilizing water, air, or control of specific organs of the body.

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