The government of Bihar announced the termination of lockdown and reopening of schools in Bihar from the upcoming week.
Will this decision prove to be right for the health of students?
After the fall in the number of cases of covid-19 patients in Bihar, the Bihar government decided to terminate the lockdown as far as possible and hence took several decisions regarding the reopening of schools and coaching centers, shopping malls and cinema halls, with proper guidelines.
According to the new guidelines released by the government for unlock-5 :
In schools, classes of 9th to 12th students can be opened from 7th of August.
From 16th August, schools will be opened for the students of class 1st to 8th.
Coaching centers for students of higher classes can be reopened with 50% students.
People can visit cinema halls and shopping malls till 7pm.
Shops which are opening alternatively can remain open till 7 in the evening with one day off in a week.
Also, public vehicles are allowed to carry 100% passengers instead of 50%.
Religious places will remain closed.
Other guidelines…
Now our question is -Will this decision prove to be right for the health of students?
As we know, the third wave of corona has not yet come but still there are chances that the third wave may come and according to the reports of researchers, if the third wave arrive then it will mostly affect the health of small children and teens and causes loss of lives also. With the opening of schools, there may be lot of chances that the students may get infected. It is true that the students will be in the guidance of their teachers who will always remind them to maintain social distancing and wear masks. But it is also true that the teachers can’t keep an eye on each and every student all time. This can be applicable for senior students as they know what actually corona is and how much it is dangerous for them and hence, they will follow the guidelines of their teachers and elders. But what about the students of class 1st,2nd, or 3rd who are just of 6 or 7 years; they even don’t know what is corona, then how we can rely on them that they will follow all the rules. However, their parents, elders and teachers always tell them to maintain a distance with others, but even they are very small for such things. We elders know that, the corona may spread through air, by surfaces of objects like doors, desks, benches, etc., by close contacts with infected persons and so on. But the candid children do not know about such things. How much can you make them aware of large number of guidelines to keep off corona from their bodies? This is not possible in my language.
They are the future of their family, society and country and hence we can’t ignore them. I know that my government has much more information than me about such things and that’s why I am writing this as a request and not a protest. The schools should be open for senior students and not for the students for primary classes. The senior students are matured and they have also good immunity unlike their juniors.
These days, the vaccination of teens or small children is one of the most discussed matter as their security is our priority. Many researches show that children can be vaccinated but it is not yet completely allowed by the government and scientists have been still working on it.
May be vaccine will be soon available for children. After vaccination they will be almost secured from the corona virus. Also, school may be the best place for vaccinating children. The administration can order the school management to vaccinate their students by providing them vaccines. In this way the children can be easily vaccinated in a very organized way.