Yoga is an ancient subject of Indian culture. For the development of body and mind the practice of this subject has been performed by Indian yogis since prevedic period.
Yogi includes systems at physical and mental levels which are universal in nature.
Today we find yoga in a developed form whose utilities are linked with every sphere of life. Due to its positive affect on body and mind, the people of different countries are attracted towards it.
Yoga is a discipline which develops a healthy coordination between body and mind. A sincere and regular practice of it leads everyone towards a harmonious life.
The word 'yoga' is derived from the Sanskrit root 'Yuj' meaning 'to unite' or 'combine'. Thus, yoga is a discipline which unites the individual soul with the universal spirit. The literal meaning of yoga is synonym of English word 'yoke' i.e., yoking (combining) two things together.
Yoga likewise alludes to an inward science including assortment of techniques through which people can accomplish holding among body and brain to achieve self-acknowledgment.
Some definitions:
Maharishi Patanjali defined yoga 'the stilling or controlling the fluctuations of the mind'.
According to Bhagvad Gita, "Work alone is your privilege, never the fruits thereof. Never let the fruits of action be your motive; and never cease to work. Work in the name of Lord, abandoning selfish desires. Be not affected by success or failure. This equipose is called yoga".
Psychologist Henery Arnold rightly pointed out. "Yoga in many ways is the power of thought".
Yogic practices are an attempt to push an individual towards his own inner evolution, the ultimate realization of his potential.
The science of yoga had its origin thousands of year ago, long before the first faith or philosophical systems were born.
According to yogic Lore, Lord Shiva is seen as the first Yogi or Adiyogi. Maharishi Patanjali is rightly called The Father of Yoga'. He compiled various aspects of yoga systematically in his book Yogadarshana.
Maharishi Patanjali characterized yoga 'the stilling or controlling the variances of the psyche'.
As indicated by Bhagvad Gita, "Work alone is your advantage, never the organic products thereof. Never let the products of activity be your rationale; and never stop to work. Work for the sake of Lord, surrendering self centered longings. Be not influenced by progress or disappointment. This equipose is called yoga".
Analyst Henery Arnold properly called attention to. "Yoga from various perspectives is the force of thought".
Yogic practices are an endeavor to push a person towards his own inward advancement, a definitive acknowledgment of his latent capacity.
The study of yoga had its starting point a huge number of year prior, well before the principal confidence or philosophical frameworks were conceived.
As indicated by yogic Lore, Lord Shiva is viewed as the primary Yogi or Adiyogi. Maharishi Patanjali is appropriately called The Father of Yoga'. He aggregated different parts of yoga efficiently in his book Yogadarshana.
Education has been the chief determinant of all round development of students. However, modern education system is unable to fulfil this object. The students of today are only acquiring information and knowledge on a number of subjects to no place for emotional as well as self-development which we can state only a mental development.
There is Yoga which is one of the most powerful drugless system of treatment.
Self-development consists of evolution of conscience, and values of life, which is possible only through a regular practice of yoga. The education of yoga is related to the practice and teaching of yoga. It lays foundation upon which studentmay develop their potentials in all the areas. The importance of yoga in education are as follows: A. At physical level, there is the practice of Asanas, Pranayama, Mudras and Kriyas. They clean the internal organs, muscles and blood vessels. They also regulate endocrine glands and nervous system and leads to the optimum physical growth of a child. In short, yogic practices enable a student to achieve:
(i) Stamina
(ii) Endurance, and
(iii) Strength and flexibility both, at physical level.
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